About Us
NOCCI, striving to be recognised as a leading and dynamic business Chamber and aims to provide relevant services and assistance to its members, enabling economic growth and investment in this area. Furthering the needs Of our smaller members it is necessary for us as a Chamber to reflect, through our activities, the expectations of those who look to us for service guidance.

NOCCI, striving to be recognised as a leading and dynamic business Chamber and aims to provide relevant services and assistance to its members, enabling economic growth and investment in this area. Furthering the needs Of our smaller members it is necessary for us as a Chamber to reflect, through our activities, the expectations of those who look to us for service guidance.
A tremendous amount of time is spent behind the scenes in the interests of Business. I appeal to the members to remain actively involved with NOCCI and to make use of the services and information available to them. Our Main Challenges being ESKOM, (loadshedding) this is a HUGE concern for all Business. Then we have our Sol Plaatje Municipality, Electricity and Water, rates and Taxes that are clearly the highest in the Country. NOCCI has very dedicated members working on these issues between SP, NE-RSA and ESKOM.
The other major concern is the lack of service delivery from our Local Municipality. This is causing many Businesses to leave the City. With the Highest unemployment rate not a very good sign for a City which is the Capital Of the Northern Cape.
Our Executive Mayor Mr Patrick Mabilo has an enormous task to try and get our Municipality back to stability. I would like to add that Mr Mabilo also has the interests of Business and really works very closely with NOCCI. Our New Premier Dr Zamani Saul has an open door relationship with Business and this for us as a Chamber is always positive. Premier Dr Zamani Saul did the opening Of our NOCCI Business Expo which was one of the best ever that NOCCI has held. This event is the ONE MAIN event of the year where we bring Business together. The idea is that Business support Business locally and by this we can also support our SMME”s to help them get started up. I have to THANK Beeda Motlekar for the excellent work done on a very difficult event in such difficult economic times.
In closing I personally believe that 2020 will be the year for Business. We all need to focus and stay Positive. Kimberley is our City and we are all here because we love it. Let us as Business, local and Prov Government work together and make Kimberley the City we can ALL BE PROUD OF.
The sky is the limit. I would like to announce that NOCCI will be reaffiliating to SACCI and I personally believe this is the right decision.
The past is the past and as a Chamber I strongly believe that we have to belong to a National Body. I would like to thank our outgoing Executive Members for all the work that they put into the Chamber with no payment. We wish you well in the future. TO our Treasurer Jan Van Vuuren I cannot Thank you enough you were just the BEST. Jan also for all the work you put into the electricity issues and meetings this was not a small task.
To second vice, Charlene Zondagh, and to first vice Riaan Vorster, THANK YOU for also always being at my side and assisting. To the President, Mrs Marie Parsons, we have walked the path for many years had so many ups and downs but we have stuck it out and never gave up. Example ( Bultfontein Road) I believe once that matter has been resolved we can then really celebrate. Thank you for your passion and dedication to the Chamber. Marie Parsons will continue being part Of the Chamber as Past President and also still working as the CBD Chairperson. Lastly Beverley and Cornel my two office ladies THANK YOU both for all the hard work and overtime it is greatly appreciated.